Urgenda case affects private companies
/The judgment in the Shell case suggests that companies should comply with the targets in the Paris Climate Agreement. The case possibly sets a new, climate-friendly precedent in corporate law
Read MoreThe judgment in the Shell case suggests that companies should comply with the targets in the Paris Climate Agreement. The case possibly sets a new, climate-friendly precedent in corporate law
Read MoreIn 2021 publiceerde de Europese Commissie haar strategie voor het financieren van de transitie naar een duurzame economie. Hierin staat o.a. dat de Europese toezichtautoriteiten (ESMA, EBA, EIOPA) de risico’s op groenwassen moeten monitoren, zodat de Commissie kan beoordelen of het toezicht en beleid op groenwassen voldoende is.
Read MoreIn February 2022 the European Commission launched a proposal for an EU corporate sustainability due diligence directive (‘CSDDD proposal’). Companies will be mandated, under threat of sanctions, to monitor adverse impacts that may arise throughout their value chain from violations of a series of sustainability treaties: that is, treaties on human rights, labor and the environment. These treaties are listed in a comprehensive Annex. This due diligence obligation applies globally; no distinctions are made depending on the countries where the value chain operates.
Read MoreOp 30 november organiseert de VMR een webinar over de voorgestelde Europese Richtlijn over internationaal maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen (Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, CSDD). Een onderwerp dat hoog op de politieke agenda staat en niet alleen in de EU, ook in Nederland, in andere EU lidstaten en binnen de Verenigde Naties.
Read MoreThe European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial markets regulator and supervisor, is changing its Union Strategic Supervisory Priorities (USSPs) to include ESG disclosures alongside market data quality. The new priority of ESG disclosures replaces costs and performance for retail investment products and represents an important step in the implementation of the ESMA Strategy, which gives a prominent role to sustainable finance.
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